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Signed in as:
*Gravity: building a sense of landing in the body
*Alignment: Letting our bones support us
*Engage our physical form through dance technique
*1st Chakra-Roots, Sciatic Nerve, Foundation, Feet, Knee, Hip Socket
*Differences and similarities of dancers and yogis.
Fluid Power wakes us up to the bio intelligence of the body. Being made up of over 75% water our body's fluid is a great conduit for sharing information. As we dance we begin to understand the language that is felt rather than heard, creating currents of resiliency, expression and self healing.
*2nd Chakra-Emotions, Passion, Pleasure, Fears
*Psoas Education and Exploration
*Fluid Spine-linking us to our ocean roots
*Muscle, Metabolism, Inner Inspiration
*3rd Chakra-Solar Plexus--Will & Determination
*Dance Ritual-Trust
*Pranic Wheels and Energy Hygiene
*How can we develop a healing focus?
*Fire Ceremony & Transformation
*Tending the Heart Fire
Air-4th Chakra-Anahata-Heart Center
*Exploring chest and shoulder girdle
*Breath: 7-8-7 , breath of fire
*Heart/Brain Coherency
*Developing our wings-freedom
*Creating sacred space
*Proprioception in joints, knowing where we are in space
*Goddess Bhuvaneshwati- Infinite Space
*Inner Ear, Vestibular System
*Intuition, Inspiration
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