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The dance choreography of WildCore has roots in Ballet, Jazz, Modern, African, Nia, Yoga & Bellydance. There are a few glittering impressions from Jane Fonda, The Fly Girls and the Solid Gold Dancers, all reflecting influences from Brietta’s childhood.
To begin we ground by connecting to breath and are invited to open our feet and receive the Earth, leading into simple phrases of movement that are mindful and easy to follow.
The dance choreography was born from the creative moment, captured and retained to enhance the expression of the music and is used as a platform to expand awareness and play with threads. As it is taught in class the students are encouraged to add their personal details and unique expression.
Brietta emphasizes the mind/body connection by creating cross-brain patterns, core-distal relationship, traveling steps, spatial awareness, opening back body awareness, vertical and horizontal movements, spirals and spins, kicks, knee sweeps, attitudes, lots of referencing from the core and activating the strength and mobility of our pelvis, chest & head.
WildCore ends on the floor, where we spend time cultivating core strength and flexibility, slowing down our heart rate and allowing our conscious breath to support our movements into closure. We will spend a few moments in a quiet mudra or meditation that weaves the energetic shifts and opened awareness fully into our physical form.