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“When I came to WildCore I was coming out of the most difficult period I’ve ever had in my life. I knew I wanted to dance, but after a year of dancing with Brietta I have received so much more than I anticipated. In addition to strengthening my body, the practice of WildCore has helped me unlock my capacity for self healing, and I have rediscovered joy in my life. Brietta’s use of metaphor and movement has enabled me to take what I discover on the dance floor out into my every day life. And did I mention how much fun it is? It’s my favorite
way to start the day.” ~Karen Amestoy 2018
"I found a crucial place in my body, trust & trusting myself. I had the expectation to have access to my WildCore and I realized there was no access to that territory. Creative Empowerment was a safe environment to explore."
My soul was blown wide open by our time together this past weekend, thanks for your guidance. I haven't felt the energy of my soul in such a longtime, it's quite amazing to be reacquainted. ❤---Julianne Edwards--Spring Renewal 2017
Brietta has that rare ability to encourage individual potential while nurturing points of connection between individuals, to inspire a shared sense of community. She has a gentle and graceful Spirit, and leads with a powerful and charismatic presence. Her WildCore and Soul Motion classes are wonderfully choreographed with music that facilitates balance, expansion and self-healing. Brietta is exceptionally gifted at what she does.
-Katie Trelstad after attending Spring Renewal A Women's Retreat 2017
The Spring Renewal Retreat has cultivated a renewed sense of personal discipline and purpose into my everyday life. The retreat was filled with creativity, movement, mindfulness, and deep connection with other women... an amazing recipe for personal growth. In short, it was an excellent way to move forth playfully into Spring. ---Korrine Rothrock--Spring Renewal 2017
"Wildcore is a soulful dance class that meets you exactly where you are. You can jump in with no previous dance experience, at any age or fitness level and allow the process to build over time. The body-friendly choreography is enhanced by the “threads” that Brietta builds into each class, points of physical, emotional or spiritual focus that inform the dance for that day. Having danced with Brietta for over a decade, I can’t speak highly enough of her ability to bring healing and accessible dance to create magic within community. I have turned to her class time and time again to carry me through daily joys and challenges, large life events like childbirth and a divorce, and in her WildCore class have learned to process and transform my emotions into beautiful movement that I have been able to weave into my life outside the dance floor.” ---Titina vanHoorn- Weekly Classes
'The golden take-home message I always derive from these sweet sessions is: This dance is not about "dancing well" or using my rolodex of dance moves to impress anyone. I always come away with a sense of having received some kind of primordial medicine; an ecstatic connectedness with something sacred and much larger than myself."
Kelly Price- SoulMotion: Communing with Nature 2015
This week’s Dance First member spotlight shines on Brietta Leader, one of the great Pacific Northwest’s most well-loved and dynamic movement leaders!
Based in Sandpoint Idaho, Brietta offers a wealth of nature-based somatic movement classes, workshops, and retreats centered around her signature WildCore Movement practice.
With a diverse background including training as a Soul Motion leader, performance art choreography with Gypsy Divas Dance Troupe, and work with student and youth groups, Brietta has a knack for “getting women of all shapes, sizes, and ages to express themselves in a positive way.”
With WildCore Movement she is taking all the elements in her palette and bringing them together in a nature-infused movement method, to create and offer a transformational teacher-training program that is much more than a typical retreat/training scenario.
Participants will engage in several months of guided self-study in creative inquiry followed by a 5-day Immersion called Creative Empowerment Module 1, to be held at The Eureka Retreat Center in Idaho. Eight different elements of creativity and somatic expression will be explored and developed over the course of the training.
In the fall of 2019, another module of the WildCore Teacher Trainingwill be offered to complete the cycle, with an additional Summer Mentorship in between. Participants will form a tight community, learning and sharing the wisdom of the Four Pillars of WildCore, Choreography, Conscious Dance, Breath-work, and Belonging.
You can learn lots more about Brietta Leader and WildCore byvisiting her websites, and coming soon are some great opportunities to experience her work first hand.
The Earth Day Dance Odyssey is happening on Friday April 20th, from 7 – 8:30 pm. All the proceeds from this event go to Kaniksu Land Trust’s project to purchase and preserve Pine St. Woods, 160 acres of forests, meadows and gently rolling hills just minutes from Sandpoint.
WildCore classes are held every Tuesday and Friday morning from8:30 to 9:30 am at Embody Studio in downtown Sandpoint.
Don’t miss the NorthWest Yoga Feast where Brietta will be offering WildCore 5 Elements classes as well as Gypsy Diva Dance Troupe performances from July 20-22.
And this years epic WildCore on the Middle Fork of the Salmon Riverrafting retreat is being held from August 29 to Sept 2nd. Join Brietta with Pend d’ Oreille Winery as Middle Fork River Tours guides you on a 5-day rafting adventure of a lifetime.
Thanks so much Brietta for all your hard work and innovation in the field of somatic movement and nature-based learning! You’re doing a great service to the field and I highly recommend your work to everyone!
Visit and check out her videos and full schedule!