Try the Online Portal for FREE for 24hours.
Try the Online Portal for FREE for 24hours.
Signed in as:
What you will receive:
~You will receive 4 mentorship 1:1 calls with Brietta, which can vary depending on the needs of the student. Here are some examples:
*The first call is all about setting a clear intention for the months ahead
*The other session topics could include, but are not limited to:
~You will have access to a teaching platform that includes educational videos on:
*building choreography skills and maps to developing a routine
*a WildCore routine you can learn and integrate and eventually teach
*journal assignments, poems, music playlists
~We will meet once a month via zoom for a 2 hour workshop that is focused around the book of the month. There will be time to share as a group, as well as dance and integrate the book's inspirations.
What you will do:
~Read 4 Books that highlight the three main educational and inspiration points used as threads in WildCore classes which are the;
physical body, energy body and metaphor.
These are really inspiring books that get your inner creative juices flowing. There are journal inquiries associated with each book to deepen your embodiment and learn to source themes and class threads from this journaling experience.
~Complete Journal Assignments
~Design Movement Mudras
~Create from Art & Ritual Prompts
~Post one video per month of your movement designs
-Develop your own routine
Who can you teach?
Friends and Family